About Us
We focus on advanced R&D of ultra low power GPS technologies for consumer electronics. Our core strength includes GPS system development expertise, extensive industry contacts and firm grasp of the GPS market trends. We commit to provide our customers the best technically and economically sound solutions at all times.

Who are we?
Our team possesses extensive GPS, electronics and software system development experience. When you engage with our team, you gain instant access to our expertise and capabilities. With time-to-market being a crucial element of product development these days, our team stands ready to work on your project. As a testament to this philosophy, over 90% of our clients are repeat customers.
Ultra Low-Power GPS Technologies
Our receiver can operate with incredibly low power for extended periods of time. Leveraging our patented technologies, we can compute a position using as little as 2ms (milliseconds) of GPS signals. Our receiver technology is ideally suited for applications that requires infrequent position updates.