28 Day Extended Ephemeris
Nowadays, end-users expect instant connectivity and no longer accepts waiting for 10’s of seconds for a GPS position fix. Using our patented 28 Day Extended Ephemeris service, GPS chipsets or OEM devices can expect a significantly reduced time to position fix within a second or two.
Our 28-Day Extended Ephemeris message incorporates our patented high performance data compression techniques designed to minimize the ephemeris data file to 20 kbyte per week without any noticeable loss in accuracy.
28 Day Extended Ephemeris Technology
Before a GPS receiver can calculate a position, it must know the location of minimum of four satellites. A standard receiver does this by downloading satellite broadcast information that describes their orbital trajectory which is also known as the ephemeris. The problem with this approach is that broadcast ephemeris messages are transmitted at a very slow speed (50bps) and they are only valid for a short period of time (2-4 hours). In poor signal environments such as indoors, urban canyons, and dense tree covered areas, downloading broadcast ephemeris information can take minutes or, often, fail altogether. Our 28 Day Extended Ephemeris technology can by-pass the downloading process. In doing so, it allows the receiver to compute a position directly. This process saves the precious battery power of a receiver. 28 Day Extended Ephemeris Using our patented 28 Day Extended Ephemeris technology, any receiver will see a significantly reduced time-to-first-fix (TTFF) and, with superior orbit and clock prediction accuracy.
Our Benefits
Ultra Compact Message Size
Leveraging our patented technology, message size can be as low as 10's of KB per week per constellation.
28 Days Long Term Prediction
Patented technology allows users to vary prediction period from any duration up to 28 days.
Near No Loss Performance
Patented technology provide near no-loss performance between the encoding & decoding process.
Ultra Efficient Client Software
Ultra efficient and small footprint client software for prediction messages decoding.
Multiple Evaluation Kit Platforms
Multiple evaluation platforms such as ARM Cortex M0/M4, Linux and Windows are available.
Customized Client Design
We can customize our software client to suit your unique application and requirements.
Learn more about what our ultra low power receiver can do for you

Discover the unique features of our patented 28 Day Extended Ephemeris technology.

Evaluation Kits
ARM Cortex M0/M4, Linux and Windows lightweight software clients are available.

Our Free E-Book is a buyer's guide to explain everything you need to know about Extended Ephemeris technology.